Monday 8 October 2012



Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is a Mediterranean and cosmopolitan city with Roman remains, medieval quarters and the most beautiful examples of 20th century Modernism and avant-garde. It is no surprise that emblematic constructions by the Catalan architects Antoni Gaudí and Lluís Doménech i Montaner have been declared World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO
The city's origins are Roman, and its long history and economic dynamism have made Barcelona a cultural city, which can be seen in the historic-artistic heritage and the promotion of the most innovative artistic trends. A wide cultural programme will take visitors to museums, exhibitions, open-air sculptures… and many concerts, plays and dances.

     La Sagrada Familia Cathedral

In 1883 the brilliant architect Gaudí agreed to take on this project, succeeding Francisco de Paula. The artist worked on it until his death. Work to complete this great church still continues today. The first architect to work on this project originally planned a Neogothic building. However, following his death, Gaudí took over, and while conserving the original layout he soon left his own personal imprint and distinctive style on the building. He finished only the chapel of San José, the crypt and the door of El Nacimiento. The façades and the entire exterior have a great profusion of decorative elements in bright colours. There is a cryptogram over the La Pasión door.

Barcelona Cathedral

It is built on the site of a Paleo-Christian basilica. Work began on the building during the Romanesque period, but it was finished according to Gothic artistic principles, which was the prevailing style at the time of its completion.

Guell Park

For a panoramic view of Barcelona, nothing better than a visit to Guell Park, a real terrace looking out to sea designed by Gaudí. You will love strolling amidst the vegetation, while meandering benches and reptiles that are actually fountains reflect the Mediterranean sunshine in a host of different colours. A magical atmosphere, unique in the world

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